AiXist: Consortium for Artificial Intelligence and Existential Risks

AiXist unites a broad spectrum of experts, organisations, and stakeholders to collectively tackle the existential risks posed by artificial intelligence (AI) development and convergence with advanced weapon systems, specifically nuclear, biological and autonomous weapons.


We envision a world where humanity harnesses AI for positive purposes, ensuring that these technologies contribute to global stability rather than undermine it or at worst, contribute to our extinction.


Collaborate, educate and advocate towards achieving a global treaty mitigating AI & existential risks.

Conduct cutting-edge research to understand the implications of AI in nuclear, biological and autonomous weapons, including potential risks and vulnerabilities.

Engage with governments, international bodies, and stakeholders to advocate for responsible AI development and the establishment of robust arms control mechanisms.

Raise global awareness about AI-related existential risks in nuclear, biological and autonomous weapons through workshops, public outreach, and knowledge dissemination.

Establish a network of experts, policymakers, academics, and organisations to facilitate collaboration, information sharing, and the development of risk mitigation strategies.

By participating in our efforts, you can contribute to shaping international policies and agreements that mitigate existential risks posed by AI development and convergence with advanced weapon systems, specifically nuclear, biological and autonomous weapons.

We believe in the responsible development and use of AI to minimise risks and maximise benefits for humanity.

We prioritise collaboration and cooperation among diverse stakeholders to address complex challenges.

We are committed to transparency in our actions, decisions, and communications.

We uphold ethical principles and strive to promote AI development that respects human rights and values.

Understanding the Risks: Why AiXist Exists

AiXist was founded on the recognition of the existential risks posed by AI development, particularly in the context of nuclear, biological, and autonomous weapons. As AI technologies continue to advance, so too do the associated threats, including accidental launches, unintended escalations, and ethical dilemmas. Our consortium aims to address these risks through responsible AI development, robust safety measures, and international cooperation. Learn more about the rationale behind our mission and the context in which we operate.

Implications of AI development on existential risks, including potential dangers, challenges, and mitigation strategies.

Intersection between AI and nuclear weapons, including the risks of accidental launches, unintended escalations, and ethical dilemmas.

Risks posed by AI in the context of biological weapons, such as the potential for AI-driven bioterrorism or inadvertent release of biological agents.

Analysis of AI-powered autonomous weapons systems, including concerns about decision-making algorithms, human oversight, and accountability

Conduct comprehensive studies and scenario analyses to evaluate the risks posed by AI in nuclear, biological and autonomous weapons, producing policy-relevant insights.

Organise and participate in international policy forums, workshops, and conferences to develop ethical frameworks, guidelines, and international agreements related to AI-driven existential risks.

Host public seminars, webinars, and media campaigns to disseminate knowledge about AI’s role in existential risks, featuring experts and thought leaders.

Facilitate collaborative research projects and innovation initiatives to develop practical solutions for responsible AI integration in security contexts.

Lead a global initiative to gather support from governments and organisations to create a binding treaty addressing AI-related existential risks in nuclear, biological and autonomous weapons.

A deeper understanding of the existential risks posed by AI in nuclear, biological and autonomous weapons, informed by rigorous research and analysis.

Advocacy and engagement leading to the development of responsible policies, international agreements, and ethical guidelines to mitigate AI-related existential risks.

Increased global awareness and knowledge about the potential consequences of AI advancements in the realm of security and the importance of responsible AI development.

Practical risk mitigation strategies and best practices for integrating AI into security systems, emphasising verification, accountability, and ethical considerations.

The successful negotiation and implementation of a global treaty that addresses AI-related existential risks in nuclear, biological and autonomous weapons.

Joining the consortium provides a unique opportunity to shape the future of AI and global security.

Gain access to a diverse community of experts and organisations dedicated to addressing AI-related existential risks.

Collaborate with stakeholders from around the world to develop practical solutions and advocate for responsible AI development.

Position yourself as a leader in the field, driving meaningful change and ensuring a safer, more secure future for humanity.

Position yourself as a leader in the field, driving meaningful change and ensuring a safer, more secure future for humanity.


Join AiXist as a member and play a crucial role in shaping the future of AI governance. Whether you’re an expert in the field or a student passionate about global security, there’s a membership tier for you. Enjoy exclusive benefits, networking opportunities, and the chance to contribute to our mission. Join now and be part of a community dedicated to safeguarding humanity’s future.

Partner with AiXist and contribute to our mission of mitigating existential risks posed by AI development. Whether you’re an academic institution, think tank, industry leader, government agency, or NGO, there are numerous opportunities for collaboration. Join forces with us to advance research, advocacy, and policy initiatives that promote global security. Explore partnership opportunities and together, let’s build a safer world.
Support Us

Your support is vital to our mission of mitigating existential risks posed by AI development. With your donation, we can advance crucial research, advocacy efforts, and outreach initiatives. Together, we can build a more secure future for humanity. Donate today and make a difference.


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