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Welcome to AiXist's Join Us page, where you can become an integral part of our mission to mitigate the existential risks posed by AI development. There are several ways you can contribute to our cause and help shape a safer future for humanity:
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We believe in the power of collaboration to address the existential risks posed by the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and convergence with advanced weapon systems, specifically nuclear, biological and autonomous weapons. At AiXist, we recognize that mitigating these risks requires a concerted effort involving diverse expertise, resources, and perspectives. Through strategic partnerships with academic institutions, think tanks, industry leaders, governments, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), we aim to foster innovation, advocate for responsible AI development, and promote global security.

Our Approach to Partnerships

At AiXist, we prioritise partnerships that align with our mission, vision, and objectives. By leveraging the strengths of our partners, we can amplify our impact and advance our shared goals. Our approach to partnerships is guided by the following principles:

  1. Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration to tackle complex challenges. Through partnerships, we bring together diverse stakeholders to exchange ideas, share resources, and co-create innovative solutions.
  2. Inclusivity: We are committed to building inclusive partnerships that reflect the diversity of perspectives and experiences needed to address AI-related existential risks effectively. We welcome partners from all sectors and backgrounds to join us in this critical endeavour.
  3. Mutual Benefit: We strive to create partnerships that are mutually beneficial, where all parties contribute their unique expertise and resources towards achieving common objectives. By working together, we can achieve greater impact than any one organisation could accomplish alone.
  4. Long-term Engagement: We seek to establish enduring partnerships based on trust, transparency, and shared values. By fostering long-term relationships with our partners, we can sustain our efforts to mitigate AI-related existential risks over time.


Types of Partnerships

AiXist engages in various types of partnerships to advance its mission and objectives. These include:

  1. Academic Partnerships: Collaborations with universities, research institutions, and academic experts to conduct cutting-edge research, develop educational resources, and train the next generation of leaders in AI ethics and security.
  2. Think Tank Collaborations: Partnerships with think tanks and policy research organisations to inform policy debates, develop ethical frameworks, and advocate for responsible AI governance at the national and international levels.
  3. Industry Engagement: Collaboration with industry leaders and technology companies to promote responsible AI development, implement best practices for AI safety and security, and foster innovation in AI risk mitigation technologies.
  4. Government Cooperation: Engagement with government agencies, policymakers, and international organisations to advocate for the development of robust arms control mechanisms, promote transparency in AI research and development, and strengthen international cooperation on AI governance.
  5. NGO Alliances: Partnerships with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society groups to raise awareness about AI-related existential risks, mobilise public support for responsible AI development, and advocate for the protection of human rights in the age of AI.

Are you interested in partnering with AiXist to address AI-related existential risks? We welcome inquiries from organisations and individuals who share our commitment to promoting global security through responsible AI development. To learn more about partnership opportunities, please contact us at

Join us in shaping a safer, more secure future for humanity in the age of artificial intelligence.


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